Saturday, September 22, 2007

Las Vegas and Sequoia National Park

I guess it’s time to catch up with things if we ever expect anyone to -
a. read this, and
b. maybe drop a line.

We went to Las Vegas earlier this month for Photoshop World 2007. Learned a couple things and in general walked away with a couple new ways to see/do things with our images. While we liked what we saw and did during the workshop we wish we could say the same for Las Vegas. Las Vegas is just too (fill in the blank) busy, noisy, crowed, expensive, big. Guess we're getting old but we have very fond memories of being able to afford to eat in Las Vegas. Okay the day of the .99 cent breakfast maybe over but com on guys, we still have to eat! More ranting to follow …

Left Las Vegas on Sunday the 9th headed to Three Rivers CA and the Sequoia National Park. Spent three days here and just fell head over heels in love/lust with the Sequoias. In researching this great place we read that in the very early days when logging was being done, a logging supervisor counted the rings on a recently cut Sequoia and after finding it was a couple thousand years old (YEAH that’s right 2,000 years old) he quite being a logger, lobbied to protect the trees and later became one the first superintendents of the newly formed Sequoia National Park. These trees are beautiful and MASSIVE. There’s a sign in the park that equates one Sequoia to three, yes 3 fully loaded jumbo jets. We’re talking a lot of weight. And age …. These are the oldest living things on the face of the planet. We’re talking in excess of 3,300 years! To help put it into better perception, it is currently 2007 that means some of these trees are older by some 1,293 years! Go to the Sequoia Galley and see just a very small portion of what these beautiful trees look like, better yet, plan a trip to visit Sequoia National Park, Sequoia National Monument, and Kings Canyon – all in California.

We liked it so much we’re headed up there in a couple weeks, this time we plan to stay at the Lodgepole campground in our truck camper.

See ya!

Sandy & Don

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sandy and Don,

    your post was of great help for I am planning a trip with my husband, from Three Rivers to Las Vegas. I was wondering if you could tell me how long the drive took and if you passed by the Death Valley.

    Great to hear about the Sequoias, I think they must be amazing.

    Thanks a lot, regards,
    Juliana and Matteo from Italy
