We’re currently sitting on the side of the road in Haines Junction, Yukon and very happy to see that we have WiFi so a little catching up ...
We left Homer Friday June 27th headed to Tok Alaska. We spent the night in Glacier View Park (Matanuska Glacier) before heading into Tok last night. We decided to get an early start on the drive this morning and left Tok at the ungodly hour of 530 a.m. There were two reasons for the early start; first there’s an hour change as soon as we reenter Canada which was about 2 hrs away, and second we didn’t know just how long a wait we’d have at the Canada border. Turns out we actually had no wait at all at the border and got into a nice conversation with the customs official there.
We hadn’t driven but an hour before Sandy spotted our moose feeding inside a small lake. We stopped and set the 1Ds III with the 400 DO lens and 2x converter on top of a tripod and started snapping. The distance was well over 200 yards however the moose appears to have been sharp (at least on our small laptop).

Edit Note: We're in Dawson Creek BC (Wed July 2nd) where we have great internet - took us a couple days to get the images loaded.
Sandy & Don
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Hello...I am glad you guys made it home safely! I really enjoyed your pictures and I hope if you ever come back into the yukon again that you stop by! It was really nice meeting you and I hope you enjoyed your journey throughout Canada and Alaska! I am sorry that it took so long to leave a message like you asked me to do but its been busy up here! There are actually waits now at the border unlike when you guys came through...Take care!
CBSA-Beaver Creek