We have a couple more images we'd like to share and will do that sometime soon so stay tuned.
Enjoy the images
Happy Holidays!
Sandy & Don
Fine Art Landscape & Nature Images
I went out a couple days ago to practice with the 1DsII IR camera and decided to share this image. It's not earth shattering and won't win any awards but it does represent 3-methods of processing the same image.
Last month Sandy and I spent a couple of days visiting Yosemite National Park and decided that since we were so close to go and visit our good friend Ken Doo in Carmel. Ken had just recently added a showroom to his studio and we wanted to see the results. All three of us knew the visit was going to be a short one due to conflicting work schedules. We ended up staying just 2 nights and spent the one whole day with Ken playing tour guide in and around Monterey.
If you haven't seen Monterey and you're in the area you really should spend some time there. Here's just a sample of what the area has to offer. And on a technical note - all images were shot with a Canon G-10.
Enjoy!Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed the images.
And on a personal note - I want to wish a speedy recovery to a fellow landscape photographer Ed Cooley who had what could have been a life ending accident last month while photographing in the Ozark National Forest. You can see a sample of Ed's work here.
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